COVID-19 Recovery: From Government Response to Private Sector-Led Sustainable Growth

29 September 2021 | IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings 2021 Civil Society Policy Forum

Video replay also available in French or Spanish

Video replay also available in French or Spanish

In collaboration with the Arab Monetary Fund, ITIC hosted a panel session in the Civil Society Policy Forum on 29 September 2021 as part of the 2021 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings.

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Session Abstract:

Governments and IFIs provided critical lifelines to households and businesses during the recession, as COVID-19 caused widespread unemployment, rising poverty, and global economic disruption. With government interventions now receding, this session focuses on fiscal measures to promote sustainable growth during the longer-term recovery phase. As subsidies expire, the tension between raising revenue for debt service and stimulating growth raises the question: What sorts of tax policies should be considered, and which risk stifling growth during its delicate re-emergence? Next-stage recovery strategies and fiscal choices will be analyzed by top economists from academia, the private sector, and regional/international institutions.


  • Daniel A Witt – President, International Tax and Investment Center

  • Gabriel Sterne – Head of Global Strategy Services and Emerging Markets Macro Research; Oxford Economics [View Presentation Slides]

  • Dr. Manal Abdel Samad – Advisor to the Minister of Finance and former Minister of Information, Lebanese Republic [View Presentation Slides]

  • Mario Mansour – Chief, Tax Policy Division I, International Monetary Fund [View Presentation Slides]

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